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Writer's pictureSharon Stewart

I'm happy with that.

A few of my past lives have been revealed to me over the time, but I am always curious to know more, so off to a local past life regression session I go.

The facilitator explained how it was going to work. She emphasised that the session will flow for us in whatever manner it is supposed too, for us to get the most benefit to ourselves - so, for our greatest good I guess.

She talks us down, or up, or whichever way it is - for us to tap in to that knowledge. I am not really sure if it comes from our inner self or it becomes available from our akashic records. The structure seems to imply it is the akashic records (that big beautiful library in the sky that knows all).

A door is opened, and our past life is revelled. I saw a man just sitting under the stars. He showed himself as just a dark shadow, so his ethnicity is unknown. As per my usual, I didn't see a lot but I became aware of so much more. I became him.

His life was simple. As he sat there, I could feel that he knew it all. He knew the secrets of the world and was happy and content just looking at the night sky. His heart felt enormous and his love pure. There was such a feeling of peace surrounding him.

We returned to the hall and moved on to the next door. This was to be his deathbed. He was surrounded by family and there was no sorrow, it almost felt celebratory. He floated above them looking down with so much pride, as he had taught them well, and they knew this was not the end.

Then instead of his spirit rising to the heavens as I would have suspected, it went down deep into the earth. He was portraying a message to me. As much as I work in the higher frequencies with spirit, my roots are based in the ground - with my shamanic nature. A balance of the two.

Back to the hallway, and we are asked to think of a question we want answered. Of course, I go all out. What am I?

Open the door and I am in an old roman library. A man in a toga standing at a desk simply says "You are a scholar".

And boom - just like that - it all makes sense. I no longer question where my spirituality is leading me. Am I a medium? Am I a healer? Am I this or that? It doesn't matter....I am at peace, I am a scholar and I'm happy with that.

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