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Writer's pictureSharon Stewart

I see things but I don't see things.....

Communicating with spirit goes beyond words. It is given to us telepathically and it is a matter of interpreting what we receive. Sometimes I find there is not the language to describe what I am getting and I am floundering to express it.

We all know about our five senses - but we use our "spidey" senses or our psychic inner senses to tune in to them. All mediums are unique and receive their information in their own way.

Clairvoyance is clear seeing, or receiving images. For me, I don't receive images but more so have an area where there is like a projector in my mind. I know that there is an image up there, I know what it is and can describe it down to minute detail, but I don't see any visions. Spirit also like to put up on my projector black and white diagrams to get their message through to me, sometimes maps or house plans etc. Quite often they will take me on a tour of the clients house or yard in this manner. It is a great way that we can work together to give evidence to the sitter - information that I can't possibly know about.

With my physical eyes I quite often see spirits in a ghostly apparition. These are not spirits I communicate with but are like an energy blueprint of them left behind. I also can see energies and auras around people when I tune in to them when doing readings. Don't worry, I'm not spying in on you as we go about our daily lives.

Clairaudience is clear hearing. Haven't we all heard our name yelled out and nobody is there. Maybe you have heard our friends across the veil trying to get your attention. Ringing in your ears can be a sign that your clairaudience is opening up.

I always hear things being yelled at me. I will then always try to find the time to sit quietly so that it gives them a chance to pass on what I need to know. I have also known people to be yelled at so that they have avoided a dangerous situation or accident.

When doing readings, my clairaudience works in a different manner. It is like words pop in my head. It can be like a conversation. I can ask them questions and they reply. I "hear" what they are saying without actually hearing it. If I have a really good connection, I can start sounding like them in the way they talked or the language they used. If my clairaudience is working strong you will hear "They are saying" and I am just passing on their words as they flow through me.

Clairgustance is clear tasting. I can taste cigarette or cigar, different foods or drinks. It only lasts for a short while and it seems to come from the back of my throat. Clairsalience is clear smelling and works in the same manner.

People at work are used to me going on a rant about a particular smell no-one else can smell and telling "imaginary" people to go away as it is not an appropriate time. My family tend to waft their smells around me to remind me they are nearby.

Clairsentience is clear feeling. This can be in either the emotional or physical level. When doing a psychic reading, I can feel peoples' anxieties, their sadness, and emotions. Spirit can also give me their emotions of what they experienced whilst on the earth plane. It can be overwhelming to feel this at times and important to learn not to take it on yourself.

Spirit will give me sensations in my body to let me know how they passed. I have developed this clair a lot with medical intuition being a strong sense with me and I can pinpoint clients illnesses and injuries by feeling it in my own body.

But you can sum all my "clairs" up in one with Claircognizance which is clear knowing. There is no way of describing all I receive other than to say I just know it. I know what I see on my projector mind, I know what I hear, I know what I smell, I know what I taste and I know what I feel.

Being a medium is being the best damn interpreter there is. There is no language you are interpreting into another language. We are interpreting from another world, another existence by whatever means we can to get their message across.

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